Member-only story
Bernie’s Socialism — A New Deal?
Are we witnessing a revolution in American politics?
So apparently socialism is back, embodied by Bernie, endorsed by Dr. Cornel West and millions of American youngsters, who have managed to pierce through the mountains of misinformation and deceit spouted by the bizarre phenomenon which is FOX ‘news’, for whom ‘socialism’ represents all that is evil and ‘un-American,’ a veil for their real agenda: to keep America divided along class and racial lines, whilst camouflaging and protecting the extreme wealth inequalities for which the US is famous worldwide.
As a European, I struggle to take it even slightly seriously — the openly ideological bias and contempt for ordinary people is almost surreal. How can an old, white and (surprise, surprise) conservative Australian billionaire (Murdoch) yield so much influence, selling poisonous, divisive hatred, whilst celebrating testosterone-driven capitalism — embodied by the cartoonish Charlatan-in-Chief, who possesses all the vices the network sells as virtues.
Cornell gave an electrifying speech in the wake of Bernie’s New Hampshire victory, in which he stressed how his movement could overcome the divisions that run so deep through American society.