Conspiracy, tyranny & revolution in a CoVid-19 world.

How a return to ‘normality’ is no longer on the cards.

Bram Wanrooij
8 min readOct 29, 2020

How many people have told you to remain positive and see 2020 as something of a turning point? That the lock-down really is a good thing. That we are the virus?

Well, how many? Numerous of my liberal friends have clutched this straw, pointing out how pollution has dropped and capitalism has finally slowed the f**k down, giving everyone some breathing space, allowing the planet to heal for a bit.

They’re right in a way. Many of us have dusted off our instincts, spent more time with our children, refrained from flying and using our cars, had some times for serious thinking, decided that our work-lives balances did not make sense before and we were seriously moving in the wrong direction. We also rediscovered the natural world around us, which we had caused so much pain and realized it was striking back.

But they’re also wrong.

Financial disaster

How many of us have financial disaster hanging over our heads? Our precarious jobs had us balancing on the brink in the best of times. Some of these jobs have dissolved and evaporated. Others lack the securities of old. Austerity had already beaten those to a mushy pulp.



Bram Wanrooij

Educator, author and knowledge seeker, committed to social change. Check out my book — DISPLACED —